Saturday, August 31, 2019

Portrayal of the Gods Essay

Gilgamesh was an historical king of Uruk in Babylonia, on the River Euphrates in modern Iraq. It revolves around the relationship between Gilgamesh, who has become distracted and disheartened by his rule, and a friend, Enkidu, who is half-wild and who undertakes dangerous quests with him. In the epic of Gilgamesh and in the lives of the Mesopotamian the gods where portrayed as self-serving arrogant beings. These beings created the human race as slaves for the gods and so a human in the view of an early Mesopotamian had better do what the gods said if they wanted to live a happy life. We see gods that that do not really care about the lives of the Mesopotamian. The Mesopotamian could not depend on the safety of a strong government. The lack of a strong government was caused by many different factors and one of the main factors that brought about a weak government in the land of the Mesopotamia, was the lack of a reliable food source. The unreliable food source was due to the lack of a reliable source of farmland. Moreover, this lack of farmland was due mostly to the ever-changing rivers that surrounded the early civilizations that believed in these harsh gods. These peoples could not depend on a predictable flood pattern from the Tigris or the Euphrates. This fact above all, is the reason that the view of mean uncaring gods came about for the lives of these early people. One year a village could be right next to the Tigris but in the next year, they’ll be a mile away from the river thus destroying the type of economy that the village had in the previous year. Living with this, the people of the early civilizations blamed this hardship on the gods. These people did not think that the gods were all bad though, but just thought that they did not care about human existence because, as they believed, humans were created by many gods and for the sole service of these gods that created them. We conclude that these gods are always out to get the humans in whatever endeavor they may take up. Gilgamesh and Enkidu learn all too well that the gods are dangerous for mortals. Gods live by their own laws and frequently behave as emotionally and irrationally as children. Piety is important to the gods, and they expect obedience and flattery whenever possible. They can often be helpful, but angering them is sheer madness, and a character’s reverence for the gods is no guarantee of safety. He is rich in religious symbolism. Religious rituals in Mesopotamia involved sacrifices, festivals, sex, dream interpretation, and shamanic magic. The walls of Uruk symbolize the great accomplishments of which mortals are capable. The epic of Gilgamesh differs markedly from that of the Judeo-Christian tradition, in which God is both a partner in a covenant and a stern but loving parent to his people. The covenant promises that people will receive an earthly or heavenly inheritance if they behave well. The Judeo-Christian God represents not just what is most powerful but what is morally best, humans should aspire to imitate him. These differences are noteworthy because Gilgamesh also shares certain common elements with the Judeo-Christian Bible. The bible and Gilgamesh are written in both languages. In Oedipus Tyrannus, it talks about the Ancient Greece where a lot was not understood; science was merely an infant and everything that happened was explained as an act of the gods or fate. Gods were the pinnacle of power; existing since the dawn of time. They were immortal, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Different gods had different personalities. In this sense, the gods were anthropomorphic. Having such mastery of the world would enable them to control man’s behavior. Fate is the idea that people’s lives are predetermined and that no matter what is done, fate cannot be changed. With the gods it was used to explore events that seemed unexplainable. It is clear that a betrayal of the god’s dominance resulted in Laius and Jocasta’s education. Oedipus is the victim of both fate and circumstance. Apollo is the God behind the nebulous conspiration involving Oedipus. Oracular god hides what he reveals through his oracles. Here is evidence of the Greek theories, which contempt for the gods leads to pain and suffering. As a result he is punished in a way that is more severe than even death. There is also the fact of knowing that his mother is suffering terrible pain. In the embattle of Oedipus, fighting for his own life, the god is present as an old prediction, inescapable for sure, but acting as background for the development of facts, or better, for the discovery of what had already happened. Oedipus experiences great grief when he looks back and realizes how much he has fallen from his former perch of power. This end is not only ironic but also cruel. Arachne was so apt at weaving that she challenged the god Athene to a contest. Oedipus certainly is not one without flaws. His pride, ignorance, insolence and disbelief in the gods, and unrelenting quest for the truth ultimately contributed to his destruction. The tragedy brought this evolution in the way of analyzing the relationship between the Greek gods and man, giving the latter more freedom of action. When Oedipus was told that he was responsible for the murder of Laius, he became enraged and calls the old oracle a liar. He ran away from his home, Corinth, in hopes of outsmarting the gods divine will. Like his father, he also sought ways to escape the horrible destiny told by the oracle of Apollo. The chorus warns us of man’s need to have reverence for the gods, and the dangers of too much pride. â€Å"If a man walks with haughtiness of hand or word and gives no heed to Justice and the shrines of Gods despises, may an evil doom smite him for his ill, starred pride of heart. If he reaps gains without justice and will not hold from impiety and his fingers itch for untouchable things. When such things are done, what man shall contrive to shield his soul from the shafts of the God? †(pp. 452). Finally, the Greeks are warned that the only way to happiness is through humility and respect towards the gods. In the book â€Å"Monkey† by Wu Cheng, Sun Wukong, realized that despite his power over the monkeys, he was just like them, and was not beyond mortality. His determination to find immortality made him to travel on a raft to civilized lands where he was made the disciple of a Buddhist. Through his travels, he was able to acquire human speech and manners. He established himself as one of the most powerful and influential demons in the world and traveled into the ocean where he got the weapons that suited him. Hoping that a promotion and a rank amongst the gods would make him more manageable, the Jade emperor invited Wukong to Heaven, where the monkey believed he would receive an honorable place as one of the gods. Instead, he was made the head of heavenly stables to watch over horses. He went against the gods when he discovered what he was doing, and proclaimed himself as the great sage, and teamed up with the most powerful demons on earth. Although the heavens recognized the title of the monkey, their attempt to subdue the monkey king was unsuccessful. Wukong’s indignation turned into open defiance when he realized that he was excluded from a royal meeting that included that god and the goddess. After stealing the empress Xi Wangmu’s peaches of immortality and the Jade Emperor’s royal wine, he escaped back to his kingdom in preparation for his rebellion. Finally he proved himself equal to the best of Heaven’s generals when he defeated the army of heavens. Conclusion In the three books, it’s evident that the gods were caring and if one goes against their will, there was a repercussion for that. The gods are the pinnacle of power who takes control of all the things in the world. Different gods have different personalities and deeds. Gilgamesh learns that the gods are dangerous for mortals. Gods live by their own laws and frequently behave as emotionally and irrationally as children. Piety is important to the gods, and they expect obedience and flattery whenever possible.

Friday, August 30, 2019


C/LT 320I: Notes on Greek Comedy and Lysistrata Waters/Fall 2011 this play acts as prophecy- war will destroy Pretext for Aristophanes’ Lysistrata (411 BCE)Homeric Epics- the bible for the greeks, the Iliad (more concerned with the war-translates as a catastrophe) and the odyssey, everybody looses type of thing, 1200bce, trojan war didn't happen, 1870 AD, Phallic Rituals- create something tall and worship it, masculine virility, ritual celebration, center of orgies and animal sacrifice, every woman has to get pregnant if they can, Dithyramb- chorus, both people and song, groups of farmers and shepards and practice and compete with song and dance, friendly competition, chorus never interacts with the main action- too busy bickering amongst their selves, Satyr Plays- satire- short comic skits done as popular entertainment, variations of themes, goatmen playing songs, structured like a bugs bunny cartoon, seduction songs ( forbidden fruit), satrys always get what they want, mood pieces ( gets people in the â€Å"mood†) Dionysus- story in spring, athens is greatest city at the time, god to celebrate, god of wine and feasting- the party god, is part human, the god most like us, he is constantly at war with himself, circular, father zeus + mother nymph, comic split- pulled between two worlds, always over does it Peloponnesian War (Athens v. Sparta) 15 years, spartans won, quagmire, end 6 years later with athens losing, alternative to self destruction, Characteristics of Greek Old ComedyAgon- means the problem, WAR, agonY, active and passive, explicit and inplicit, agon is active in lysistrata, comedy acts as a prophecy, Parabasis- seculusion of the dithyramb, â€Å"next to or simile† something like a doctor, basis foundation, parallel basis for pushing it forward, exaggeration variation of the agon of the play, is a point in the play when all of the actors leave the stage and thechorus is left to address the audience directly. The chorus partiall y or completely abandons its dramatic role to talk to the audience on a topic completely irrelevant to the subject of the play. Episodes- shorter punchier scenes at the end, pays off of initial investment, content gives way to pure form archetype: alazon is the baggard male, macho figure who needs to be brought down by clever servant miles gloriosus- † braggart solider† – boastful soldier, a posturing and self- deceiving boaster or bully igon- clever servant trong woman,Alazon- baggard male, macho figure who needs to be brought down by the clever servant Eiron-The modern term irony is derived from the eiron of the classical Greek theatre. Irony is the difference between the actual meaning of a something and the apparent meaning. [4] The eiron would frequently triumph over the alazon by making himself appear less than he actually is. ( the clever servant), Eiron usually succeeds in bringing his braggart opponenet ( alazon) down by making himself seem like less than he actually was Techne/Skene- stage, balconies, things high and above, tall massive backdrop, Orchestra- † pit† dancing place, social dance, costumes, megaphones, refer to paper Comic Effect in LysistrataScatology- humor based on bodily functions, gags that makes us go ew Reification- stereotyping, breaking down human beings into a cartoon, archetypes-caricatures, reification is always negatives, break down to appearance, attitude, things that make people vulnerable, think of lampido, the woman at the end as an object Anachronism- something that breaks us out of time, nobody is reading it in its time it is set, look for the ways translater takes the jokes that applies it to the current audience Anthropomorphism- attribution of human characteristics to non-human things, Early Comic Theory Aristotle, Poetics (ca. 350 BCE): Mimesis- name of the goddess of revenge, â€Å"to give what is due† Catharsis- purification or purgation of emotions that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tensionHubris- extreme pride or arrogance, indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence and abilities ( especially when the person is in power) ; arrogance before the gods, defiance of authority after pelponesian war, aristotle- important greek philosopher, poetics- how to tell a story, how to make the relate to life itself, dramatic narrative ( most important, most like us) not narrative or visual, mimesis- imitates life, how does the story imitate experience, we are attracted to the spectacular imitation of life, imitation of the spiritual, how does the play make us think about ourselves, aspiration validation, catharsis- emotional release, taking away the lesson, hubris- defiance of the gods, defying any type of authority, comedy gives us a false sense of liberty,

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Motorcycle and financial services Essay

Abstract The strength of Harley-Davidson’s brand and dominant market position give the firm a wide moat, in our opinion. However, weaker consumer spending and tight credit markets are presenting the firm with some significant near-term challenges. In addition, we believe the firm must carefully broaden the appeal of its brand to secure its long-term success. Harley-Davidson is a cult brand that resonates around the world. There are more than 1 million members of the Harley Owners Group, and every year several hundred thousand Harley fans attend biking events at Daytona, Fla. , and Sturgis, S. D. It’s no wonder that over 50% of Harley’s revenues are generated from repeat sales and these sales are at premium prices to other motorcycle brands. In addition, with almost a 50% share of the U. S. market, Harley also achieves economies of scale greater than most of its competitors. A Harley is not just a bike it is an investment. brand loyalty, its economies of scale, and its network of mostly exclusive dealers have created significant barriers to entry, and as a result, Harley has achieved historical operating margins of over 20% and returns on invested capital of over 40%, excluding the financial services segment. JIT Principles JIT is an operational strategy which helps in making inventory levels lean. An organisation which goes for synchronous manufacturing incorporates JIT to have lower inventory levels. Synchronous manufacturing encompasses techniques of JIT to achieve the target. Organisations which have implemented JIT and are using synchronous manufacturing have a very lean system. It has minimum wastage and the highest possible quality. These organisations are cost effective and generally have higher margins than their competitors. This results in higher level of efficiency in the organisation and a better work environment. BPI helps in management of inventory and related operations. It is very important that organisation understand the importance of new methods and reengineer their processes in line with the requirements. The minimum level of inventory which is required as WIP is determined by the organization and then control efforts are put in so that there is always the minimum level available and it would never cross the maximum level. This is done because one cannot hold high levels of inventory because it comes at a very high cost and is an occupational and can be a operation hazard. The strength of Harley-Davidson’s brand and dominant market position give the firm a wide moat, in our opinion. However, weaker consumer spending and tight credit markets are presenting the firm with some significant challenges and we believe the firm must carefully expand the appeal of its brand to secure its long term success. Harley-Davidson is a cult brand that resonates around the world. There are more than 1 million members of the Harley Owners Group, and every year several hundred thousand Harley fans attend biking events at Daytona, Fla. , and Sturgis, S. D. It’s no wonder that over 50% of Harley’s revenues are generated from repeat sales and these sales are at premium prices to other motorcycle brands. In addition, with almost a 50% share of the U. S. market, Harley also achieves economies of scale greater than most of its competitors. The intensity of the firm’s brand loyalty, its economies of scale, and its network of mostly exclusive dealers have created significant barriers to entry, and as a result, Harley has achieved historical operating margins of over 20% and returns on invested capital of over 40%, excluding the financial services segment. Despite its strong brand, sagging consumer spending on high-ticket items is likely to continue to depress volumes in the near term, and we expect the economic downturn to prolong the period of failing sales through 2010/11. The firm has already cut production in an attempt to trim costs in line with faling demand. in addition, just over half of Harley’s motorcycle revenues are derived from retail sales made on credit. We think that the lack of available funds on the wholesale markets and the shrinking of the number of qualifying customers will make it difficult for the company’s financial services division to continue to support retail sales by providing credit to customers. Harley must address some long-term challenges. The firm has been focused on a narrow demographic group (around 89% of customers are male) and the median age of Harley’s customers has been on a long-term upward trend. We believe that the firm must find ways to broaden the appeal of its brand without alienating its core customer base. Harley has grown in recent years in the international market , and revenues generated abroad have risen to 25% of total revenues in 2007 from 19% in 2004. Although the firm has recently introduced a performance motorcycle for the European market, I think that it may find it difficult to deliver customized products for overseas markets while supporting its brand franchise. Risk Harley’s revenues could be severely hurt by a further weakening of the global economy and increased reductions in consumer spending on high-ticket discretionary items, and the firm may not be able to securitize its receivables if the asset-backed security market is slow to recover. Harley’s sales are focused on a thin demographic segment: 35- to 54-year-old males. In our opinion, the firm must broaden its appeal in order to secure its long-term profitability, but any missteps in marketing its products to other demographic segments could damage the brand. Harley-Davidson’s brand resonates around the world, and it has particular strength in its key target market of 35- to 54-year-olds.   Historically, Harley has generated free cash flow at around 15% of revenues, allowing the firm to develop a strong track record of returning cash to shareholders through dividends and stock repurchases.   Through the downturn, Harley’s management has been careful to maintain spending on research and development and marketing, important steps in maintaining the strength of the brand, in our opinion. The firm has worked successfully with its network of dealers to significantly reduce dealer inventory over the last 12 months.   Harley’s core demographic, the baby boomer generation, is aging, and that’s likely to reduce demand for Harley’s products in the future. In order to mitigate the negative impact on revenues, the firm must improve its penetration in other segments. * Harley is likely to continue to face some severe short-term head winds, with anemic consumer spending likely to hurt revenues through 2010. The large inventory of used Harley motorcycles is likely to contribute to Harley’s near-term challenges, as a greater number of under-pressure consumers may opt for a cheaper used model in the secondary market.   The turmoil in the credit markets is likely to raise the cost of the short-term capital required to fund HDFS.   Despite raising the retail rate on its loans, I expect the operating margins of HDFS to come under severe pressure through 2009. HDFS may also find it difficult to raise financing for retail credit in the wholesale markets. This could restrict the number of loans the firm can make to customers and thwart the firm’s attempts to support retail sales volumes. Inventory Management in Harley Davidson Growth: Historically, the strong spending power of the baby boomers, Harley’s core demographic, has been favourable for the motorbike manufacturer. As the baby boomers age, however, I expect slowing domestic revenue growth to be only partially mitigated by international expansion. Profile: Harley-Davidson is the world’s leading manufacturer of heavyweight motorcycles, parts, and accessories. It sells the Softail, Sportster, Dyna, Touring, and VRSC models under the Harley-Davidson name, and it also manufactures the Buell brand. Harley-Davidson Financial Services provides wholesale financing to dealers and retail financing and insurance brokerage services to customers. Strategy: Harley leverages its strong brand to sell a broad range of motorcycling-related products. The firm is attempting to broaden its appeal to more demographic groups by expanding its product line-up. It is also focused on international expansion, and it has introduced a new performance-based bike in an attempt to increase its share in overseas markets. Management: I think the quality of corporate governance at Harley-Davidson is above average. I applaud the firm for splitting the chairman and CEO roles between two individuals, although I am concerned that the relationship between the two individuals serving in these roles may weaken the chairman’s ability to provide independent oversight. CEO James Ziemer’s career at Harley blossomed under the leadership of former CEO and current Chairman Jeffrey L. Bluestein. In addition, although nine of the firm’s 12 directors meet the NYSE definition of â€Å"independent,† a total of six of them have served on the board for over a decade, and I believe that their long-term relationships with management, together with some related-party transactions, may further compromise their independence. Having said that, the Harley-Davidson board does contain a solid range of legal, accounting, and executive experience. Management compensation is skewed to long-term incentive components, and I think that this aligns the interests of the management team with those of shareholders. The firm has a strong track record of returning cash to shareholders, both through dividend disbursements and share buyback programs. Harley Reports Lower 3Q Earnings I am leaving our fair value estimate for Harley-Davidson in place following the release of third-quarter earnings, which were in line with our expectations. Revenue fell 8% year over year, to $1. 42 billion, as the economic downturn hurt retail sales volume, which declined 14%. The bright spot was international sales, but only a small part of the 11. 3% rise in international revenues was attributable to volume increases; most of the increase was caused by favourable currency movements. At Harley-Davidson Financial Services, the customer finance division, third-quarter earnings fell 28% from the same period last year, to $35. 6 million, because of lower securitization income and the write-down of some finance receivables held for sale. I was pleased to note that the firm is being proactive in securing alternative sources of funding for the finance division, in the event that it cannot raise funds in the unsecured debt market. However, we expect that Harley’s funding requirements would be met comfortably by its bank credit facility, if required. Supply side & Economic Scenario Given the continued macroeconomic deterioration and tightness in credit markets, I am raising our fair value uncertainty rating for Harley-Davidson. The company’s growth has decelerated during the last three years, and year-over-year shipments were down 15% last quarter. In addition, we see significant downside risks to the contribution from Harley-Davidson Financial Services. Last quarter, financial services income was down 43% because of a $20 million reduction in securitization gains. Financial income was also affected by a $6 million write-down in retained securitization interests. Since that time credit markets have seized up, and it’s likely the firm will report increasing charge-offs on consumer loans in the coming quarters. Summary Business process reengineering is very critical for companies and industries which survive on innovation. Sometimes there are cases when old processes in the company are dying and their is a pressing need to rejuvenate then. This process of is known as business process reengineering. A company that does not innovate dies out in the market. Old operations over time die down and new process needs to be rebuilt into the system. This is where the concept of business processes engineering is very critical. The objective of the paper is to critically evaluate symptoms which suggests organisation to go for business process reengineering & then come up with one of those symptoms and write a detailed analysis of it. References: http://www. emeraldinsight. com. / Gao, F, Li, M.& Clarke, S. (2008). Knowledge, management, and knowledge management in business operations. Nonaka, I. (2005). Knowledge Management: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management. Taylor & Francis. Tait, A & Richardson, K. A. (2010). Complexity and Knowledge Management Understanding the Role of Knowledge in the Management of Social Networks. IAP Goldman, A. (n. d. ). Eliminating Bottlenecks. Retrieved 28th March, 2011, from http://www. gaebler. com (n. d. ). Retrieved Mar 27th, 2011, from Customer Relationship MAnagement: http://www. (n. d. ). Retrieved Mar 27th, 2011, from More is not value Proposition: http://sinekpartners. typepad. com Auction site. (n. d. ). Retrieved MAr 27th, 2011, from Harley Davidson Value: http://harleyauctionsite. com Harley Davidson USA. (2011, MAr 27). Retrieved Mar 17, 2011, from Harley Davidson: http://www. harley-davidson. com Impact Factory. (2010, Feb 2nd). Retrieved mar 27th, 2011, from http://www. impactfactory. com http://www. h-dsn. com/genbus/links. jsp Management Research Review. (2000) Johan Van Nimwegen, Brian H. Kleiner, Volume 23 issue 7/8.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Children with Lupus Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Children with Lupus - Article Example Researchers analyzed data reports â€Å"children with lupus kidney disease had more than twice (2.4 times) the risk of dying compared to children with other forms of kidney disease† (para.5). Kidney failure or disease caused by lupus is called Lupus nephritis. This has become a major concern of various medical institute especially lupus related organizations. Last April 14, 2011, the Lupus Foundation of America (LFA) with coordination of,, and Dr. Mary Anne Dooley, Member, LFA's Medical-Scientific Advisory Council, launched a new continuing education program for the nurses, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians. The program entitled ‘Lupus, Deciphering the Clues’ will enhance health professionals awareness of lupus diagnosis and treatments, to meet the needs of early diagnosis and treatment to avoid further vital organ complications. It has been observed by the LFA, based on their own survey, more than fifty percent among lupus patient had visi ted three or more doctors, and some even suffered four or more years, before they were being diagnosed (Medical News Today, 2011). May this program will be of great help to minimize lethal cases of Lupus nephritis to children, as well as to adults. Actually, researchers have been very enthusiastic in performing in-depth study to learn more about lupus and how lupus nephritis developed. LFA(2011) related the experimentation performed on nineteen week-old female mice to learn about the role of immune system proteins called interferons (IFNs) and macrophages (white blood cells) in the development of lupus nephritis. The mice were divided into three groups, wherein mice in the first group were injected three times per week for four weeks of a drug called polycytidylic acid (PCA) which will cause increased activity of IFNs that will start out lupus. The mice in the second group were injected a single dose only of one kind of lupus-related IFN called type I IFN, while the mice in the thir d group were injected with salt water only, to be used as comparison group. The mice urine were monitored for protein development testing. Then after two weeks, the first and second group of mice manifested developed protein in urine, evidence of developed lupus nephritis. Animal experimentation served as an instrument to discern what types of imbalances might be causing human lupus, and may contribute in finding ways for treatment. Yet, the researchers admitted that such animal experimentations have limitations since there are many known, as well as unknown, differences between human and mice immune system. But still, this may shed light for further studies on what treatment might or might not be useful for treating lupus. As expected, urine protein testing would become useful in early detection of kidney damage from lupus. Therefore, Medical News Today (2010) reported a newly discovered simple urine tests for four proteins that might serve as an instrument for early detection of k idney disease in patient with lupus. Likewise, as the article reports, the UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers conducted experiments on mice and found out four proteins protease, PGDS, SAP and SOS showed up in larger amounts on mice urine with progressive kidney damage. They believed that each of these proteins has corresponds in human’s protein or either present in human system. Researchers admitted that this kind of tests might take years to be utilized clinically since they are

Astronomy in Japan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Astronomy in Japan - Research Paper Example The ease, by which astronomy was accepted in old Japan was perhaps related to the fact that it complements the Japanese mythology, which is also institutionalized by the government. The Sun goddess Amaterasu has a central role in governance through the royal family, then there are the Moon God, and the stars and how they are interrelated and how their festivities are celebrated to strengthen Japanese traditions and rituals. It appeared that astronomy along with its place in religion gave some form of legitimacy to the myths that forms the anchor of the imperial tradition. From its first introduction in Japan to the present, astronomy have always been important to the Japanese culture. It is easy to understand this because it suits how the Japanese generally see the world. This is demonstrated best in how it is easily integrated in the Shinto traditions. Astronomy is compatible with the Japanese way of life, it reinforced their religion as well as their imperial traditions. Najita reflected this best when he said that human knowledge must rest ultimately on the proposition that the universe is an infinite absolute preceding all human and historical experiences and that what men know, therefore, must be tested with reference to the best-know science of studying the universe, which is astronomy. This is why, although, astronomy is not a Japanese invention, Japan was able to embrace it and a achieve a kind that is uniquely its own.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Loans. Variable interest and fixed interest loans Essay

Loans. Variable interest and fixed interest loans - Essay Example There are many reasons why comparable short term loans have various degrees of risk. One of the primary reasons is the existence of variable term loans. A variable interest loan can change in payment on a monthly basis based on the current interest rate in the marketplace. Fixed loans are much different because these loans have a fix payment rate until maturity. A secondary reason why short term loans have different levels of risk is due to credit history of the individual or business entity. People that have excellent credit pay less than people that have bad credit. The reason people with bad credit pay more on short term loans is because they represent a high risk. A third reason why the terms of loans are different in terms of interest and risk is because each financial institution has different earnings expectations. Some banks are willing to earn less than others. 2. Granting credit to a firm or person with bad credit can result in a positive NVP. There are a lot of people that have bad credit that are not at fault. Some people lose their good credit because they co-signed for a friend or family member that defaulted on a loan. The lack of responsibility of the person that defaulted places the person in a tough situation because they are forced to pay a debt that is not theirs. Another reason why banks may earn positive NPV from people with bad credit is because they charge these individuals or business institutions a higher interest rate. 3. The credit score of a person is very influential in the terms of the credit the borrower receives. There are three credit agencies that evaluate the person. The three agencies are Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. You are correct in your assumption that the amount of credit experience a person has influences the credit score of the individual. The three credit agencies utilize different criteria to evaluate the person. My father recently applied for a loan and he was denied because one of the agencies rated him as a 560. It was strange that another one of the agencies gave him a 716 score. 4. I have always preferred to have a variable interest loan than a fixed interest loan especially in long term loans. The market fluctuates a lot and a variable interest loan can enable a person to negotiate better terms of credit if the market conditions become favorable. Some people on the other hand prefer fixed loans because of the security of knowing the exact amount you have to pay on a monthly basis. When the interest rate goes down it is better to have a flexible interest loan, but when it goes up the fixed payment loan is the best alternative. 5. The types of financial institutions that deal in very short term loans such as 15 to 30 loans have a lot of business because everyone every so often faces an emergency that requires instant cash. People also on many occasions are not able to keep up with the budget and the run out of cash. You need cash for daily food expenses and transportation cost to go to work. Due to the risk involved in these types of loans it is justified for these firms to charge a high interest rate. Also these firms have to charge a high interest rate because they do not enjoy the benefits of compound interest like other banks due to the fact that the debt is settled in a very short term. Banks make a lot of interest money during the first part of a long term loan. Shorter loans generate less interest revenues. 6. It is true that when people are faced with an emergency that requires instant cash they do not care about the terms of the agreement. In our world there are people that take advantage of the necessities of the poor by becoming loan sharks. Loan sharks are people that create an illegal lending operation which charges on my occasions upwards of 10% per week. People borrow money from these loan sharks when they have nowhere else to turn. Short term lending institutions that deal 15 day and 30 day loans are the legal equivalency of a loan shark. They c harge 30% to 50% yearly interest on short term loans. 7. The credit score

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Invisible Man written by H.G. Wells Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Invisible Man written by H.G. Wells - Essay Example After his initial surprise, Kemp settles, gives Griffin his word he will not betray him, and gives him food and clothes. His better judgment, however, makes him write a letter to Colonel Adye, in Port Burdock. On the next day, listens in complete astonishment to Griffin’s story. It is a long one: how Griffin made himself invisible, after experimenting on a cat, and the trouble he got himself into as a result. Towards the end of Griffin’s long recount, the reader senses that Kemp gives dry answers. Doubt has entered his mind about his old college acquaintance’s sanity. He agrees cursorily with Griffin’s suggestions, but he is somehow unconvinced and not as reassuring as the previous day. The doctor shows his uncertainty to Griffin: Kemp is now certain that Griffin is insane. Trying to lock Griffin up is unsuccessful, and Kemp is beaten up just as Colonel Adye, the chief of police, arrives to see him being tossed about as if by some invisible force. Why did Kemp betray his friend, and break his promise that he would not let him down? In the days that this book was written, an Englishman’s word was his bond. Personal morals and standards were high, and nothing short of death would get a man to betray a friend to whom he had given his word. This betrayal of Kemp’s must be seen in the context of this ethic. In normal circumstances nothing would have persuaded Kemp to inform on Griffin. The doctor, however, had deliberated over the situation for a long time, smoking three cigars. The situation was anything but normal, and Griffin was not sounding very rational to him. His morning recount of killing animals, robbing stores, and taking a man’s gold was enough for Kemp to be glad he had sent to note off to Adye. Griffin was a danger to himself and others. He was talking of going off to Algiers, where people did not know to look out for a swaddled man. His desire was to start a reign of terror. This was enough for

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Auditing - Essay Example he corporate managers have grossly increased to unprecedented levels where their decisions might have had a greater impact on the larger good of the stakeholders i.e. Shareholders, general public, government etc. In the heat of competition the managers of these organizations take decisions which may not be in favor of internal as well as external customers of these organizations. This has therefore necessitated the more proactive role of the board of the directors of organizations in promoting good governance specially their role in ensuring the effectiveness of the internal controls of the organization is stressed upon a lot. An effective internal audit function can play an important role in helping Board of directors to discharge their responsibility of ensuring effective control. However before discharging this responsibility, an internal audit function within the organization need to be objective and proactive in nature with a mandate to conduct independent reviews and with the n ecessary organizational flexibility to report their findings to the highest authority within the organization so that not only independence is maintained but also the results are communicated to the platform where they can be executed and explored without any internal compromises and with an aim of safeguarding the interests of the shareholders by adding value to their investments. Corporate governance has succeeded in attracting a good deal of public interest because of its apparent importance for the economic health of corporations and society in general. However, the concept of corporate governance is poorly defined because it potentially covers a large number of distinct economic phenomenon. As a result different people have come up with different definitions that basically reflect their special interest in the field. It is also believed that if the firm is nothing more than a legal fiction than its values must be driven by its stakeholders thus the companies values emerge as a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Insuring your business Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Insuring your business - Coursework Example Ideally, the common risks associated with cosmetics businesses include fire and health risks, especially for employees handling the cosmetics who are exposed to the different chemicals used during the manufacture of the cosmetics. Equally, the chemicals used are highly reactive and could easily explode if exposed to fire. The company has not had any legal claims previously; however, there was once an instance of contract breach in which the supplier failed to deliver goods in time and the company suffered a significant loss. Because the company had taken a comprehensive cover, the insurance claim tool cover of all the costs as well as the fees paid to the attorney. My company is unique, as it has established an expanded customer base and, as such, deals in timely delivery lest the customers fail to get their products in time. As the operating manager, in order to identify the risks associated with the business, I have characterized all occurrences that seem to pose threats and ascert ain the likelihood of such occurrences. With availing enough resources for every operating department, the company saves a lot from reduced expenses as most risks are prevented before occurrence rather than mitigation after their

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ethical or social responsibility issue related to aviation Research Paper

Ethical or social responsibility issue related to aviation - Research Paper Example The employees are required to comply with the letters of the guidelines as well as the spirit of the guidelines. The formal codes of ethical documents are important in analyzing the different companies and rating them (Hoppe, 2007). The rating is based on the practical implementation of these codes. It is harder than it seems to implement these codes due to the various inherent limitations on a day-to-day basis. Therefore, the aviation industry has guidelines on how the codes will be followed. The codes cover the major issues that the airlines face on a day-to-day basis and need to be addressed constantly. These issues are under different topics depending on different airlines, but can be summarized in three main parts; conflict interest, asset protection and working together. Conflict of interest arises when employees encounter situations where they have to choose between the airline’s interests and their own interests (Hoppe, 2007). Most airlines can pinpoint the various sit uations where conflict of interest may arise, and have guidelines on what actions the employees should take when such situations arise. An example is a situation where an employee receives gifts and rewards from customers, suppliers or other stakeholders in the company for a job done. It is common for some passengers to give stewards gifts for their services in the plane. If the customer enjoys good services while travelling with a certain airline, and feels the urge to reward the company, they are likely to reward the stewards since they are the people with whom they are in direct contact. If the employees accept such gifts, they may compromise their moral obligations to the employer if they feel obliged to meet the gift givers’ demands instead of the employer’s interests. Most airlines stipulate, in their code of ethics, that the employees should not receive gifts especially when the gifts are excessive or too lavish. Most of the passengers who fly a lot are likely t o be wealthy, and are likely to give expensive gifts. In this case, the employee who receives the reward should talk to the human resource department in the specific airline if they believe that their ethical conduct might be compromised. Another situation occurs when employees request rewards from clients when they realize that they have to work hard in providing services to these clients (Hoppe, 2007). This is in spite of the fact that the employees are employed to provide such services to the clients. The conflict of interest arises because the employees have to choose between asking for these gifts, thereby serving their own interest, or maintaining a good reputation for the airline. Most airlines strictly prohibit seeking rewards from clients. Another situation could be when employees work for a rival airline (Hoppe, 2007).

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Originality and shock value Essay Example for Free

Originality and shock value Essay Dead animals, elephant dung, unmade beds and rice all seem like everyday objects but should we be calling them art? When we were growing up we were taught that art was a beautiful painting like Van Goghs Sunflowers, or a perfect sculpture of a human like Michelangelos David, but we were never really taught that conceptual and contemporary art were proper forms of art, even though it was established in the sixties. It made us think and challenge our own assumptions of what art should really look like. People didnt understand the idea of cows cut in half (Damien Hirst), wire mesh lockers (Mona Hatoum), rubble (Richard Long) or rubbish (Tomoko Takahashi) being called art unless you could frame it nicely on your living room wall. The fact that this type of art didnt fit neatly into peoples ideas of what art should be was the reason it was called conceptual. Conceptual and contemporary art got a huge reaction out of people because they felt conned and marginally embarrassed when, for example, they looked at Martin Creeds light going on and off and didnt get it. They didnt like the fact that they couldnt work out the true meaning of what the artist was trying to get across. It also got a reaction for another reason which was the simplicity of some of the art. Im sure that when all the people who were working long hours every week looked at the well-paid artist Tracey Emins unmade bed they were desperately screaming to themselves, BUT I COULD DO THAT! and thinking whether conceptual art is even worth looking at. Maybe some of us are completely missing the point they are trying to get across. Maybe instead of drowning in the depression of how easy, and perhaps pointless, the art is we should be fresh-eyed and open minded and celebrate the fact that these ideas and possibilites have been opened for us. Maybe thats the point. This art definitely has originality and shock value. Artists dont want to repeat whats been done before in the same way no one wants to hear old jokes. Their use of new technology adds to the quality of some of their work. Using a computer isnt a cop-out of drawing, its just another tool. The originality and shock value go hand-in-hand and afterall, arent those the two things we want when we look at art? We as viewers dont want to stand there looking at something so bland, tasteless and overrated; If we wanted that then we could just as easily stick a slice of bread on the wall and call that art. The artists look for new challenges and ways for us to see their art. This type of art makes us challenge ourselves to find beauty in the everyday things in life. My opinion of Modern Art is a very balanced one because even though some of the examples of conceptual and contemporary art are sometimes ridiculous, they also challenge you to find the true meaning of what it stands for. The shock factor aswell hypnotizes us and keeps our attention locked on the beauty of the art. One thing that fascinates me though is that if artist Chris Ofili paints with elephant dung he is seen as a Turner Prize winning genius, but if I tried to paint with elephant dung would I be seen as an artistic genius? Probably not.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Week 5 â€Finances Essay Example for Free

Week 5 –Finances Essay Debate on profit maximization ethics and corporate social responsibility: Traditionally, the duty of company’s management is to improve the financial welfare of the shareholders of the company by maximum of profits provided it is under the law. This is the canonical law and economics account (Elhauge: 2004) Companies are therefore liable for any act(s) that causes more that usual harm under an independent law. However if the operations do not cause any undesired effect, then, it is socially acceptable that the company maximizes profits. The management of companies is therefore required to consider the interests of other stakeholders in their daily operations. This is as a result of the law that was enacted at the height of corporate takeovers during the 1980s. This law could however be construed to mean that the management of corporations only consider the interests of others only if doing so enhances the company’s profits. Shareholders and management have no legal duty to maximize profit although they have a legal discretion to forego on profits in the public interest. (Elhauge: 2004) According to Manuel Costello Branco and Lucia Lima Rodriquez companies only engage in corporate social responsibility if they are set to gain from such an undertaking. (Brancho Rodriguez: 2007) Corporate social responsibility may include environmental protection, human resource management, health and safety at work, relation with community and with suppliers and customers. (Branco Rodriguez: 2007) CSR boarders on ethics and management should therefore consider the impacts of their activities on the various stakeholders. It is also considered to be a competition strategy which can give a company competitive advantage. (Branco Rodriguez: 2007) This debate on CSR is on shareholders-stakeholders point of view where shareholders view is that management should maximize their wealth while the stakeholders view is towards all stakeholders (Friedman 1998, Jensen 2001) The classical view of business encompasses purely economic basis and constrained profit making views. This is the shareholders view. The stakeholders view on the other hand is of socially aware business where corporations are sensitive to needs if other stakeholders (Lantos: 2001) Companies should therefore, not ignore the interests of other stakeholders if doing so could impact negatively on the company’s intention of maximizing shareholders wealth. (Stern berg 1997, Jensen 2001) Ethics basically is what constitutes right or wrong behavior in business in terms of operations and situations happening in companies. In the daily operations of companies many unethical actions and decisions are made. Corporate citizenship concept is propagated by the society where businesses promote goals that they view as important while at the same time solving social problems thus rejecting the idea of profit maximization and law compliance. The results of an activity rather than the activity itself are what determine whether an action is ethical or not. Clarkson further elaborates that an actions is morally right if it generates the greatest amount of good to many people. (Utilitarian theory) (Clarkson: 1995) It is evident therefore that the concept of ethics is controversial in the sense that there are conflicting positions as to what constitutes what is morally right or wrong as shown by Kantian ethics and Utilitarian ethics. (Hymson 2007) In business ethics, because of competition, actions of one company e.g. adoption of lower prices leads to the other companies adopting the same pricing strategy and hence business ethics tend to be uniform (Hymson 2007) Monopolistic businesses where there is no competition can elect to apply personal ethics. But the cost of following personal ethics is borne by the employees. Hence argument gives credence to the idea that businesses only social responsibility is t maximize profits (Friedman: 1998). Outside business ethics, CSR is usually all about making profits. Government regulations The government should take charge and ensure that companies do not undertake business practice that cause undesirable effects on the community and therefore it should pass laws and regulations that guide corporations in the business practice (Reich 2007). The stiff competition that many corporations in the world today face makes them focus more on ways of making more profits and therefore the need of government regulations to protect the environment, consumers and even the employees. Robert Reich further alludes to the fact that corporations cannot be moral or immoral and can only be responsible if publicly held by their shareholders. The shareholders interest is to maximize their profits and therefore companies should do public good in their quest to maximize their profits (Reich 2007) Reasons for government regulations An example of company that could justify the government regulations is Wal-Mart. This corporation on one hand spends money on CSR projects but on the other it is against employees union, pays low wages with minimum benefits. The company also is against living wage initiatives. Wal-Mart has also been accused of forcing employees to perform overtime duties, sex and race discrimination and a whole lot of other things. The World com and Enron scandals are other examples that call for government regulations on CSR and business ethics. The list is endless, Adelphi, Tyco, Computer associates. All these cases touch on the subject of business ethics. Business ethics violations can also lead to illegalities as exemplified by the Enron and World com cases (Hymson 2007) References Hymson, E.B (2007) Law: The force that harmonizes business ethics with profit maximization. Retrieved on 4/3/2008 from Elhauge, E. (2004) Sacrificing corporate profits in the public interest. Retrieved on 4/3/08 from Branco, M.C and Rodriguez L. L (2007). Positioning stakeholders’ theory within the debate on corporate social responsibility (Vol 12. No. 1). Retrieved on 4/3/2008 from Friedman. (1998), â€Å"The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits†, in Pincus, L.B. (Ed.), Perspectives in business ethics, McGraw-Hill, Singapore Jensen, M.C. (2001) â€Å"Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory, and the Corporate Objective Function†, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Vol.14 No.3 Sternberg. (1997) â€Å"The Defects of Stakeholder Theory†, Corporate Governance, Vol 5 No.1. Lantos, G.P. (2001) â€Å"The boundaries of strategic corporate social responsibility†, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol.18 No.7 Clarkson, M.B.E. (1995) â€Å"A Stakeholder Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Corporate Social Performance†, Academy of Management Review, Vol.20 No.1 Robert Reich, R (2007). Super capitalism. The Transformation of Business, Democracy and Everyday Life.

Relationship Between Art and Creativity

Relationship Between Art and Creativity   Fabian Espin ABSTRACT It is often said that artists have got a considerable use of imagination and hence they are more creative than other people. However, several scientists around the world state that art have nothing to do with creativity. They actually claim that scientists are as creative as artists. As a matter of fact, creativity have presented a prominently increase overtime. Time ago, human beings were not able to build temples or communicate with each other. However, nowadays, scientists are capable to divide the atom and build enormous rockets that can go to the moon. Indeed, arts have played a crucial role into the development of creativity. It is, actually, due to art that cavemen could paint in temples and develop a way to communicate. In fact, arts help human beings to have an open mind and think outside the box. It is arts that have motivated numerous people to create. Nevertheless, arts has, wit out a doubt, enhanced creativity. DOES ARTS ENHANCE CREATIVITY? Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, art is knowing which ones to keep. Overtime, creativity has presented a considerable impact among people because new ideas have emerged out of nowhere. Hence, the world has had a gradual development throughout the years. As a matter of fact, this development is clearly seen in a numerous fields, from technology to arts. Indeed, arts enhances creativity, which is crucial for innovation and adaptation. Creative people have the ability to see multiple solutions, employ original thoughts, and use their imagination. Arts promotes these skills, encouraging unique responses and diverse ways of looking at things. Nevertheless, creativity is undoubtedly enhanced by arts in three different ways. First of all, arts gives the opportunity to find multiple solutions to a definite problem. Next, there is a greater use of imagination in the world of arts. Finally, arts encourages motivation. This motivation aid people to be creative and make their id eas to emerge. Long ago, human beings manifested the capacity to be creative. From making tools from stones, painting in walls to mechanisms for moving things more easily and creating new ways to communicate. Countless problems were presented time ago. However, people around the world had the capacity to deal with these problems. People had the opportunity to find solutions, and they did it. They could identify principles of geometry, the physics of forces and kinematics and its mechanisms. Therefore, they built pyramids. They painted in caves and later in temples. Natural colors, oils and acrylic were constantly used in order to paint properly. According to Nancy C. Andreasen, in her article Creativity In Art And Science: Are There Two Cultures? (2012): Creativity is a topic of enormous importance. For many lay people, the word creative evokes images of novelists, poets, composers, and visual artists. If prompted, they would acknowledge the creativity of mathematician/physicists such as Einstein or inventors such as Thomas Edison, but there is a general tendency to assume that creativity is more associated with the arts than the sciences. In fact, creativity is strongly related with arts. Undoubtedly, arts has given people around the world the chance to find solutions to fixed problems long time ago. Conversely, science is also related to creativity. In the article Scientists Are More Creative Than You Might Imagine (Alexandra Ossola, 2014), the author claims that scientist are as creative as the artists in question. However, there is no doubt that arts and science are certainly linked with creativity. Secondly, arts motivates people to be more creative and therefore to improve in several ways. Let us consider the Learning through the arts program (Upitis and Smithrim, 2005). This system was created by the Royal Conservatory of Music in Canada. Basically, this program analyzed the effects of arts in education. The LTTA program measured and compared students results between schools that took this program and schools that were not interested in the program. As expected, after three years of the program, students into LTTA program obtained higher grades than the others. Hence, students presented a significant improvement. This is also highlighted in the documentary: The Finland Phenomenon. Education in Finland is way different from other countries around the world. From teachers to classrooms, the methodology presented into these schools is distinct. However, arts have also taken an important place in Finland. Essentially, arts among these students are presented in many ways. Painting , singing and freedom to express themselves can be considered forms of arts. It is clearly seen that students in Finland have achieved greater results so far so arts have clearly helped students from Finland to be more creative. Finally, arts allows a greater use of imagination. Being surrounded with great art as music or literature, opens peoples mind. Accoring to the article 7 Ways To Increase Your Creativity(Jordan Driediger, 2007), being surrounded by art builds a template of quality and standard of excellence that can propel your creativity forward. The author goes on to say the following statement There is absolutely nothing wrong with studying and even copying aspects of the greats of your industry. As Pablo Picasso once said, Good artists copy, great artists steal. While I agree with Picasso, it goes without saying that you should steal their methods and not their products. In the video A Young Tinkerer Builds A Windmill the 20-year-old William Kamkwamba achieved his dream. Basically, he powered up a country that had no electricity before his windmill. Arts can be defined as the science of feeling and passion, and William presented exactly these virtues. He had a dream and he went all the way in order to make this dream to come true. Undoubtedly, this intensify of feeling and imagination contributed to Williams passion and creativity. To sum up, arts has enhanced creativity overtime. This has given people around the world the possibility to improve and be creative. Nowadays, scientists are able to divide an atom and to create huge rockets that go to the moon. This improvement is given by the fact that human beings were finding solutions when problems were presented. Also, motivation through artistic methodology has been shown especially in education, when arts have had a huge impact. Students around the world can feel that they are able to achieve something important because they feel motivated. In addition, being surrounded by arts has improved human minds in order to be more open and creative. Arts exists to express, not to impress, and this definite expression have taken place when being creative, because people can think outside the box.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Discipline As Folklore :: essays papers

Discipline As Folklore There is no need to argue whether discipline has a role in society. The types, severity, and appropriateness are debatable, but it surely serves a purpose. This applies on a global scale, with groups such as NATO and the UN, all the way down to individual households. The family unit acts as a training camp for upcoming members of a community by teaching children what is expected of them through example and discipline. Though the methodology varies from household-to-household, culture-to-culture, place-to-place; we all have had to answer to authority at some point or another. The methods and lessons passed from generation to generation are preserved in the retelling of our own experiences to one another. These stories can also serve as a badge of honor; proof that we have survived the storm and are worthy members of society. An inspection of the interview answers reveals variation between the types of punishment that disciplinarians, mostly parents, chose to use. Though not well reflected in the transcript, those who were disciplined harshly, with one exception, express that they afford their parents less propriety and do not see themselves emulating the approach of their elders. [Appendix B] It is interesting to note, however; that the offenses themselves tend to be similar. Five of the eight recorded responses list lying as a punishable offense. Disrespect or getting in taboo situations seems to be a common thread as well. The majority of respondents' share views about the intentions behind their parents' actions, more specifically, they recognize that discipline is a means for parents to "†¦teach me what they considered the right way to act - based on their moral and religious beliefs." [Appendix A: What do you think were the motives behind their actions? #2] While collecting the data, I was surprised to see how eager people were to share such private aspects of their lives. I handed out interview questions to some friends in the library (campfire) who quickly began reminiscing about childhood experiences. The conversation attracted the attention of nearby studiers and passers by who stopped to listen or throw in a personal anecdote or two. I found myself playfully competing with my interviewees over who had the most, the funniest, or the wildest stories. By telling their story, people reveal themselves. Their personality is highlighted by the kind of story they tell and the way they tell it. Explanations for an individual's behavior may become evident in a functionalist sense: 'Why I am the way I am' is explored through an expression of feelings and bottled up emotions through references of the past.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The K+ Channel Revisited :: Chemical Neuroscience Chemistry Papers

The K+ Channel Revisited Many scientists enter the field of neuroscience with a desire to understand how the human brain functions to create our actions. Some take a large approach and study reactions to stimulus in live animals. This approach leaves us still wanting to know about things that aren't a result of an outside stimulus. Other scientists take the minimalist approach and start by studying the exact mechanisms of individual cells of the brain. But, what good does that do us for everyday life? There is also the approach of taking our knowledge of behavior from diseases of the brain. Would we have thought about how our brain regulates our moods if it weren't for the fact that some people experience depression, in which the regulation of mood goes amiss? Many of the disease have led us to a deep understanding of the chemical interactions in our brain and body. At a very broad level, and ignoring religious discussions, we can say that every part of our existence is a result of chemical interactions . Besides giving us our substance, chemistry also gives us a mode of communication throughout our bodies. In our brain a large chemical component is that of the action potential that is conducted along a neuron as a result in the changing permeability of the cell. The axons of our neurons are the pathway for the communication that exists in our nervous system. This communication takes the form of an electric signal, also called an action potential. The action potential occurs due to a change in voltage across the membrane of the axon. The change in voltage is achieved by a change in the permeability of the neurons to the ions, Na+, Ca+, and K+.(1)The cell starts with a large concentration of potassium ions, K+, inside the cell, and a large concentration of sodium ions, Na+, outside the cell. The action potential propagates down the axon due to openings and closing of different channels allowing changing of the permeability to the differing ions (10). Channels are proteins that span the membrane of the axon. These proteins have a structure so that they can be allow ions to flow through pores that are only open at the appropriate times. Some of the channels are opened and closed by other chemicals, while some are initiated by a change in the membrane potential.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Effective Classroom Management Plan Essay

Teaching is considered as one of the most exciting and challenging professions (Walden University 2009). It is through teaching that everyone is able to learn the things that they needed for their jobs. Everyone can not be a professional without the people who have the ability to teach. During teaching process, teachers usually experience the pressure when dealing with students who have different cultures, behaviors and attitudes. Therefore, an appropriate teaching plan is necessary to address these differences and to prevent the pressure which can hinder the teacher’s performance. Through a right plan and use of resources, teachers are able to make most out of everything and prepare the students towards their future (Bosch 2006). Classroom is considered as the most important place for both teachers and students. It is the place where students and teachers freely exchange ideas and learn from each other. Â  I believe that an appropriate and effective classroom planning is critical in teaching because it aids in imparting knowledge by making the teachers prepared, confident and comfortable with their profession (Bosch 2006). For me, an effective classroom management planning is not only about establishing rules, rewards and consequences but it is also about the establishment of a mutual relationship between the teacher and the students. If a healthy atmosphere is present, then the teacher will not experience difficulty in teaching and students will learn more. In addition, the learning process is student centered (Walden University 2009). This means that learning is imparted through the application of the things learned through classroom activities and tasks. Rules, consequences and rewards are there to guide the students on proper behavior and etiquette but they are not limited to what is written. It is through the real happenings that rules are applied and exercised by the students. In the end teachers are there to guide the students not only in learning but also in correct behavioral decision making.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Ethics Essay Essay

There are different systems in which an individual or a company could make ethical decisions. They can vary depending on the issue at hand and they relate and different in certain ways. In this writing I will compare the similarities and differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. I will include a description of the differences in how each theory addresses ethics and morality. And I will give a personal experience to explain the relationship between virtue, values, and moral concepts as they relate to one of the three theories. Ethical systems based on abstract values are described as virtue theory. Virtue theory is based on character ethics. It is the viewpoint that in living one’s life one should try to cultivate excellence in all they do and in all that other do. This is the system that would address ethics and morality from the perspective of living with high values and with great character (Boylan, 2009). Quoting Boylan (2009) from our book, â€Å"Utilitarianism is a theory that suggests that an action is morally right when that action produces more total utility for the group than any other alternative† (pp. 153). Utilitarianism focuses on what is best for the group or team as a whole. This theory asks, â€Å"What ethical decision will profit the most for the largest amount of people?† Deontology is a moral theory that emphasizes one’s duty to do a particular action just because the action, itself, is inherently right and not through any other sorts of calculations (Boylan, 2009). Calculations like what the consequences of that action might be. Deontology is a duty-based theory when addressing ethics and morality. In comparing these three, a utilitarian working for ATT might overlook a bad credit report to make a deal because the deal would help the company and the  client. Therefore it’s a win-win. A deontologist might make the same decision based on the fact that the client needs a cell phone to be able to take care of business in order to take of her children. The simple fact that the action is inherently right regardless of the consequences is the bases for the deontologist. And to the contrary only a virtuous worker would have integrity and do what was in the best interest of the company. A personal experience of mine to relate these topics would be a girlfriend of mine just got out of a bad relationship where she was not married, but had a child with this man. She lived with the father of her child for many years although he was abusive and was providing home that was unsafe and insufficient for her and her child. She stayed for many years making decisions as a utilitarian until one day she changed to a deontologist. She chose to leave the state and ignore the rights of the father on the grounds that he was abusing both her and her son. She valued her and her son’s health over anything. She was virtuous in that she rose above the desire to retaliate and pursued only their protection. And all of her actions where based on her moral concepts, according to her beliefs and understanding. In conclusion, there are many different theories and ways to make ethical decisions. I have related and compared the virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontology. I have also shared a personal experience to relate virtue, values, and moral concepts to one of these theories. Life and business are about making decisions and these concepts and theories are a foundation to a healthy life and a healthy business. References Thompson, S. (2014). What is the relationship among virtue, values & moral concepts in individual and business contexts?. Retrieved from Boylan, M. (2009). Basic Ethics. : Prentice Hall.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Jacksonian democrats Essay

Thomas Jefferson was consistently inconsistent by switching from a strict constructionist view to a broad interpretation on the constitution to support his political views. Similarly, Jacksonian democrats occasionally altered their belief of being guardians of the political democracy, individual liberty, economic opportunity, and the Constitution to suit their purposes. President Andrew Jackson had several ways of ensuring political democracy thus he is regarded as a guardian of it. The spoils system is an example of Jackson stressing political democracy. According to Senator William Marcy the spoils system was acceptable since the benefits of winning should go to the winner. He supports this thought by saying, â€Å"To the victor belongs the spoils.† The spoils system allowed Jackson â€Å"Old Hickory† to rid his opponents of government jobs and award them to his supporters the â€Å"Hickoryites.† Another example of political democracy is rotation in office. Rotation in office is what Jackson utilized to incorporate the â€Å"common man† into a government role. Jackson believed that any man was capable of doing the job. â€Å"Every man is as good as his neighbor,† he declared, â€Å"perhaps equally better.† The inevitable dilemma that arises from Jackson’s notion on political democracy is that illite rates, incompetents and crooks obtained positions of public trust. The result of this was Samuel Swartwout, the collector of customs at the port of New York, stole a million dollars from the government. Jackson, although he was a rich aristocrat at the time of his election, might have been influenced to raise the common man on a pedestal as a result of him having been born poor. One of his first acts as president was to invite the working class of America to his inaugural. The White house was only emptied upon a rumor that said spiked punch had been served on the lawns. As a result, the inaugural is often referred to as the â€Å"inaugural brawl† and Jackson being the leader of the common people was called, â€Å"King Mob.† This represented what Jackson emphasized and that was the importance of individual right. Jackson believed that it was unfair for power to be in the hands of an elite few. Therefore, he advocated the rights of the common man through his land policy. His land policy would allow people to expand  further into the west. The more obtainable land there was signified a higher electorate. Jackson’s belief of rotation in office allowed average men to try their hand at government. Rotation in office is something which had been previously limited to the aristocratic elite since they were the only ones viewed as capable of managing the job. His success in achieving basic individual rights is shown in Doc. D. when Harriet Marineau, a British visitor to the United States reported that she had seen every man as an independent citizen and controversies â€Å"of which the people were to be judges.† However, the concept of individual liberty is not applied to minorities such as the blacks and Indians. This is seen in Document E. when Philip Hone, a New York City businessman describes riots in Eastern cities. â€Å"The spirit of riot and subordination to the laws†¦appears to have been produced by†¦ hostility to the blacks and an indiscriminate persecution of all whose skins were darker than those of their enlightened fellow citizens.† Document G also demonstrates that individual liberty was only directed towards whites. If individual liberty had been meant for all the Indians would not have been removed from their homeland. Further proof of whites against minorities is represented in Document A when George Henry Evans explains that all men are created equal, and allowed the rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Obviously, the Indians, immigrants and blacks were not granted these rights to individual freedom. Jackson was a guardian of the economy since he supported economic opportunities. To make sure that economic opportunities were achieved Jackson had to be anti big business. A big business tended to monopolize a certain part of the economy and not allow other businesses to expand and earn money. He wanted to ensure that the economy was not in the hands of a few rich men. In 1835 Jacksonian Roger Brooke Taney replaced Federalist John Marshall as Supreme Court judge. In 1837, a case known as Charles River Bridge versus Warren Bridge was about monopolies and charters. Two companies wanted to build bridges across the Charles River, but only one had a long standing charter. In the Marshall Court, the ruling would have been that the contract was stronger than the interests of anything else. But, under the  Jacksonians, it was ruled that the interests of the people were more important then any charter. Jackson viewed the bank as unconstitutional and undemocratic. In Document B Jackson describes the bank as incompatible with the Constitution he also says, â€Å"The present Bank of the United States†¦ enjoys an exclusive privilege of banking†¦almost a monopoly of the foreign and domestic exchange.† Therefore, when Henry Clay proposes a bill to congress in 1832 that would recharter the bank four year before needed Jackson vetoes it. After this Jackson bleeds the bank dry by removing federal deposits and started placing surplus money in â€Å"pet banks† which were pro-Jackson banks. The nullification issue emerged due to the Tariff of Abominations which protected it us from European competition. It angered South Carolina since they had to buy expensive manufactured goods and had to sell crops on an unprotected market. As a result of the high tariff Britain does not purchase as many goods as it previously did. The south also feared the tariff as a possible foothold for later federalist interference with slavery in the southern states this was brought on by a the South Carolina Cxposition written by John Calhoun which stated that the federal government has a compact with the states and that the state conventions had the power to declare laws unconstitutional and states should nullify the tariff. The tariff of 1832 was null and void they undertook the necessary military preparations and threatened to secede from the union if the United states government came to collect the customs and duties by force. Jackson was furious because he was against nullification therefore he quietly prepared an army and passed the force bill which authorized the president to use the army and navy to collect fed tariff duties. Henry Clay, although a supporter of the tariff influenced the compromise tariff of 1833 which said that the tariff would be reduced by 10% over a period of 8 years. By 1842 it would be back at 20-25%.Through Jackson’s aggressive reaction of South Carolina threatening to secede from the state we can see that Jackson believes in states rights. However, if he has to choose, the union comes before states rights. Being a guardian of the constitution means protecting many things at one time  since the constitution is basically a summary of the rights we possess. The rights that had to be protected were individual liberty, and economic opportunity among other things and the Jacksonians were not guardians of these rights. The time Jackson was president tends to be regarded as the â€Å"Age of the Common Man.† The reason as to why is that Jackson attempted to incorporate the â€Å"common man† into the current political& economic situation. The type of common man that was favored by Jackson was a poor westerner who desired land, freedom of choice, and a say in politics. He succeeds in incorporating the common man into politics through Rotation in office and involving them in government rallies. However, the problem with improving the common man was that anyone else who would fall out of this category: women, slaves, Native Americans, wealthy, Easterners, Northerners, were often den ied their own rights which is a direct violation of the constitution. (Doc D). The exempting of those who wouldn’t fit the category of the common man, helped stress universal manhood suffrage. Jackson’s personal view of the Bank of the United States was that it was unconstitutional. However, John Marshall had made it very clear in McCulloch vs. Maryland that the bank was constitutional. Jackson believed that preservation of the union preceded states rights. This was an unconstitutional view considering it was the states who had created the government. Therefore, if the government was stepping it’s rights the states could protest against the government’s actions. The first amendment is violated in Document F when the U.S. Post office suppresses abolitionist mail into the South. The reason why this was done to keep the multitude from finding out which would have motivated many to become anti-slavery. The Jacksonians could be described as two-faced considering they were for the common man while being a part of the aristocratic elite. They attempted to promote economic opportunities by eliminating the Bank of the United States. The Panic of 1937 was a repercussion of removing the bank yet Jackson succeeded in his main effort. His main focus was retrieving power from Nicholas Biddle, the owner of the bank. The belief of Union preceding states was utilized to assert the power of the executive branch. Finally, Jacksonian democracy did allow more people to vote than ever before and made government more directly responsible to the people.

Impact of the Vietnam War on Australia Essay

The controversial Vietnam War had a huge impact on Australian society in the 1960’s/1970’s. It affected all aspects of society, such as the social, economic and political issues. Vietnam was known as a ‘TV War’. A lot of violent and gruesome footage of the war was broadcasted right into people’s homes. People felt the need to report their own opinions and a very biased view of the war, they were not concerned with the thoughts of the Vietnamese people and their say in what was going on. The Australian government was criticized for being selective in what it showed to the public. They altered it to suit their own opinions. One lie that it pushed was the thought that the war was helping the Vietnamese people, and also that the government was determined to disprove that it was blindly supporting and following the USA into an unnecessary war. Because of all these many viewpoints and all the news coverage, society itself seemed to be split in who to believe and what was right. Many protests were the result of this. Conscription had forced young men to fight away from their home country. Many people saw this as unfair and wrong. This too caused a lot of controversy and many arguments were made against the government for introducing this. This public opinion also sparked the interest of the political parties. The Labor and Liberal parties had both opposite opinions of the war, and used Vietnam as more like a tool of election propaganda. The Labor party spoke out against the immorality of Vietnam and people were supporting then claiming that it was unjust and cruel. The party organized the first Moratorium, where more than 120,000 people took part and expressed their opinions. The protesters had hoped that Labor would win the 1966 elections and would then withdraw the soldiers. When the Labor party was defeated, the protest movement had died down for a while. After the war, thousands of Vietnamese boat people have come to Australia. This was because the people had dissatisfaction with the Communist  government and that Australia was within reach by boat. How and why Support for the War changed over time. — At the beginning of the war, surveys found that the Australian public at first supported the idea of a small military team based in Vietnam training Vietnamese soldiers. In 1965 when 800 combat soldiers were sent to Vietnam, again the public still generally supported it. Though in 1967 there was a change, most Australians still supported the idea of helping the South Vietnamese government but they were against sending any more Australian soldiers. But still, more were sent. Between 1967 and 1969 there was a definite change and eventually most Australians were in favour of a complete withdrawal of soldiers from Vietnam. This opinion continued throughout the war and many protests were the result of it. There was a great Vietnam Debate on the issue and many valid points. For Vietnam. They believed in the Domino Theory and saw it as a genuine threat. They acknowledged USA’s role as a protector to the world against Communist and that they had to be supported. South Vietnamese people had to be supported. Against Vietnam That the war was really a civil war and was none of our business. Vietnamese problems were only natural considering that the country had been recently divided. If the Communists of North Vietnam had gained control, we could just contain the whole of Vietnam, therefore stopping the Domino Theory. Western interference was bound to fail, the French did. The Catholic Church constantly supported the war. During the WW1 the church had strongly opposed it, but dealing with Vietnam they were strongly in favour of Australian involvement and conscription in order to fight a ‘godless communism’. There were two main protest groups†¦ those who believed that Australia should not be involved, and those who believed that only conscription was wrong. Most of the protests at the time were quiet and calm. A number of universities organized ‘teach ins’ where people present and argued for both for and against the involvement in war. There were more violent and active protests after witnessing the ones in the USA. A ‘don’t register for conscription’ campaign had been launched aimed at the young men. In late 1966 and anti-Vietnam group stopped Sydney’s rush hour traffic by sitting on the main roads. This protest movement though was nothing compared to the ones in America, and the ones here had almost no effect on the government’s choice. The war caused many social outbursts and many draft resisters, objectors and protestors had been fined and jailed, and the soldiers met a hostile and unwelcome on their return home. The Conscription Issue. In none of Australia’s previous wars had any man been conscripted to fight outside of Australian territory. The Vietnam War was different, at one stage in 1968 nearly half of Australia’s men in Vietnam were conscripts. The Menzies government introduced conscription in November 1964. When it was  first announced it only involved military training that required no overseas service, which wasn’t the truth. The government got strong hints that service would be needed in Vietnam, so really conscription was a way of preparing for overseas combat. Who went was decided by a ‘lottery. This was done by every date in the year written down and days were drawn at random. If a mans birthday was drawn, he then was conscripted. Overall the protests against conscription lasted longer than the protests against the war itself. Though when at first the government announced it, the public’s reaction was quite little. But there were later developed protests about individual students being called up to war. There were public draft-card burnings, student sit ins and large noisy group demonstrations when the American President, Johnson visited Australia. By the late 1960’s a much stronger and more violent form of protest appeared. Protesters raided officers and campaigns were launched to persuade young men not to register for conscription. The Labor Party was against the conscription method, calling it unfair, and they had much support from the Australian public.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Analyse of the Two Key Moments Essay Example for Free

Analyse of the Two Key Moments Essay Just before this key moment starts, the guards takes Rebecca Nurse out of her cage, on its way to the place where people are hanged. She is astonished that John is confessing. The key moment starts with Proctor refusing to say that he saw Rebecca Nurse in the Devil’s company, or anybody else. Danforth demands that Proctor prove the purity of his soul by accusing others, but Hale advises that it is enough that he confesses himself. Parris agrees, but Danforth demands that Proctor should sign a document. Proctor says that he has confessed to God, and that is enough. He asks Danforth whether a good confession must be public. Proctor wishes to keep only his name, and Danforth thus refuses to accept his confession. Danforth orders Proctor to be hanged. Hale begs Elizabeth to plead with Proctor to sign a confession, but Elizabeth states that Proctor has his goodness now, and God forbid that she take it from him. The characters have turning points in the key moments, and I am going to discuss what happens to Hale, John Proctor and Danforth in this key moment. Hale’s beliefs in witchcraft changes, so does his faith in the law. In Act 4, he tells the accused witches to lie, to confess their supposed sins in order to save their own lives. This change of heart and hopelessness, makes Hale gain the audience’s sympathy but not its respect, since he lacks the moral character of Rebecca Nurse or, and as it turns out at the end of Act 4, John Proctor. Although Hale recognises the evil of the witch trials, his response is not resistance but surrender. He thinks that survival is the highest good, even if it means helping oneself to injustice, which honourable and truly heroic characters can never accept. John Proctor changes himself and provides a final charge of the witch trials. Offered the opportunity to make a confession that he has seen the Devil, he almost surrenders, even signing a confession letter. His great pride and fear of public opinion drove him to hold his truth, adultery, from the court, but by the end of the play he is more concerned with his personal honesty than his public reputation. He still wants to save his name, but for a personal and religious view, rather than the publics’ reasons. Proctor’s refusal to provide a false confession is a true religious and personal determination. His confession would dishonour his friends who are convicted who are brave enough to die as support to the truth. Also it will dishonour himself, staining not just his public reputation, but also his soul. He then decides to change his mind and tells Danforth that he does not want to lie, this bringing him to heaven. He has now redeemed his sin. As Elizabeth says to end the play, responding to Hale’s plea that she convince Proctor to publicly confess: â€Å"He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him! † In this key moment Danforth shows that his greatest interest is to protect the reputation of the court when he prompts Proctor to sign a confession, thus preventing the response of his death. I think that Danforth has changed internally but not externally. I think he believes that the witchcraft is fake, but externally he is still a strict and craving for a good reputation. If he did believe people at the end of the play, then he would not convict John Proctor, but he did because it was to late then, and his reputation would be ruined, as he has convicted people before. It is a crucial moment for the audience because they think Proctor is a bad and not a honourable man when he signs the paper. It is dramatic irony, but not as much. The audience know that Proctor does not see the Devil, to save his life by confessing and showing you don not lie, he says he has been seeing the Devil. But he suddenly changes, he rips the piece of paper representing his confession, and explains that his name is more important, he wants to show he is a heroic man, so he says he never has see the Devil, which is true, and the audience see how he is a better man, and is going to die being an honourable and a heroic man. A crucible is a melting pot, where substances are heated to a high temperature to get rid of impurities. Miller is suggesting the play is like to purge by fire, a form of ‘cleansing’. This is a metaphor for spiritual improvements as the result of a confession being exerted. It is known as ‘cleaning’ or ‘cleansing’ yourself by confessing to seeing the Devil. There is many ways to explain the name of the book and here are some more: first witches supposedly boil potions in cauldrons and a synonym for cauldron is crucible. Secondly, it has a metaphorical meaning: the society of Salem is being heated and stirred in an attempt to remove the impurities and leave only the pure members of the society. One of the central themes of the play is the spiritual development of John Proctor. It is a powerful and complex play. All of the action takes place indoors and it is very black, simplistic and it emphasises the lifestyle of the people and it echoes the claustrophobic atmosphere of the play. The play focuses on ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. In the play Miller is discussing the forces of evil. In the attempt to cut out evil there is certainly a degree of irony. The irony in this play is that evil and tragedy actually occur from the actions of the unwise and over eager characters such as Danforth and Parris and to a certain extent Hale, who became responsible for deaths, misery and cruelty. Miller is suggesting that humans are vulnerable to evil and he aims to show that the evil generated in Salem was through a combination of circumstances for which no one person could be held entirely responsible but yet none were guilt free. The Crucible was based on real events and characters. The people of the 17th Century Salem, witchcraft were a very real and forceful threat. Many people were accused of being witches, and were tortured and executed. The discrimination of witches spread to a lot of places around the world. Witches thought to commit crimes have various ‘proofs’ of a witch including the testimony of a fellow witch, the common belief or accusation of those who live with suspected witch, cursing followed by some mischief or the person disagrees with the person when questioned. Miller was interested in McCarthy trials in the 1940s/50s and made the book parallel to it, Salem witch trials of 1682. Miller may have oversimplified matters, in that while there were no actual witches in Salem, there were certainly Communists in 1950s America. However, one can argue that Miller’s concern in The Crucible is not with whether the accused actually are witches, but rather with the refusal of the court officials to believe that they are not. McCarthyism limits, which wronged many innocents and this parallel was felt strongly in Miller’s own time. In real life, at Millers time, Abigail Williams was 12 years old, but in the play she is 17, but why did he change the age? He did this to make Abigail Williams a better character to make her do all the mischievous things she does in the play. At the age of 17, you are mature and able to make an opinion, and act more like an adult, unlike a 12 year old where you are still to young to do things adults do. Danforth was not a real person, he was made up, but the wonderful thing about him is that he is made up of 3 characters. These three characters were the judges, but they would not be as dramatic and neither strong, unless there is one person who rules, making that character more remembered, and more important to the play. Analyse of the Two Key Moments. (2017, Oct 14). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you